Yuzhen Lu

Yuzhen Lu

Assistant Professor

Michigan State University

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at Michigan State University (MSU). Before starting the position in January of 2023, I was a Postdoc scholar with USDA-ARS on the campus of MSU for 2018-2019, focusing on optical imaging for quality evaluation of horticultural products and machine vision-based apple in-field sorting technology development (click here). Thereafter, I joined the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at North Carolina State University, with research on imaging-based high-throughput plant phenotyping and precision agriculture. I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Mississippi State University for 2020-2022.

Welcome to join us at MSU! We are here to innovate in non-destructive sensing (e.g., machine vision, optical imaging, and spectroscopy) and automation/robotics technologies for addressing practical needs/challenges in agricultural systems encompassing production and postharvest processes. Our goal is to research, develop, and transfer engineering solutions for smart and sustainable agriculture & food systems, especially for specalty crop industries. For prospective students who are determined to work with me, you need to be devoted, proactive, creative, and adaptive, while being willing to go beyond your comfortable zone and embrace challenges. Research is never trivial but a real journey. I am excited to be on this journey with you. My goal is for you as a graduate student/postdoc to grow professionally and enjoy the process of becoming an expert in your discipline. I will strive my best to support you during your academic pursuits and enhance your profession and beyond. If you would like to have a glimpse of my personality, you may read some of my writings (written in Chinese 10+ years ago).


  • Optical Sensing
  • Machine Vision
  • Food Inspection
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Plant/Animal Phenotyping
  • AI & Robotics


  • PhD in Biosystems Engineering, 2018

    Michigan State University

  • MS in Plant Nutrition, 2014

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • BS in Facility Agriculture Engineering, 2011

    Northwest A&F University